What is Pinoo?

We believe that every child should have at least one coding and robotics training set.

Every child should have a Pinoo set

As Pinoo Education, we have brought together everything needed for children and young people from primary school to university to invent, learn by doing and experiencing, and express themselves on a single platform.

Pinoo Control Card
18 Sensors and Modules
Lego Adaptation Devices
Connection Cables
Auxiliary Parts

With , children can realize hundreds of original projects.

Just as an instrument is necessary in music class, Pinoo is necessary for high efficiency and success in robotics coding class.

With Pinoo sets that are fully compatible with cardboards, legos, wood and 3D printer printouts, there are no limits in coding, robotics, STEM and maker projects.

Pinoo sets, which are of great importance for participation in TÜBİTAK, Teknofest, Scientix, eTwinning, Erasmus projects, are of great importance for equal opportunities in education.

Come Up with an Invention, My Child

Pinoo educational sets are the favorite set of children who are inventive, who love to tinker, who research, who ask questions, and who are curious.

Children who learn by seeing, asking, touching and experiencing need a road map. As Pinoo, we draw road maps based on experiencing and producing.

We want them to use their imagination, develop their problem-solving skills, and combine their manual skills and design abilities with their analytical thinking skills.

With Pinoo, every project is unique and no two are alike. We want them to express themselves freely and Pinoo is a unique tool for this.

Easy connection,
Compatibility with Lego bricks,
Compatibility with cardboards, 3D printer printouts, wood,
Support for artificial intelligence tools,
Original content,
Broad curriculum,
LMS infrastructure,
One-to-one exchange,
Trainer trainings

This makes Pinoo sets and platform unrivaled. Pinoo is child-focused and teacher-friendly.

How do we use Artificial Intelligence effectively?

Pinoo sets are compatible with artificial intelligence tools and have 10+ features. These features allow children to do what can be done with artificial intelligence and can easily use it in their projects.

Face Recognition
Object Recognition
Human Body Recognition
Hand Recognition
Traffic Card Recognition
Number Recognition
Machine Learning
Data Logging
QR Code Recognition

and with many features, children can give different meaning to their projects, make prototypes, learn new things, express themselves and socialize by presenting what they have done.

All Pinoo components have a coding brick in Pinoo Studio and children can easily code the relevant sensor, module or motor with these bricks. Horizontal blocks, vertical blocks, text-based coding, Python, simulator interfaces and projects suitable for all ages and levels can be easily done with Pinoo.

Pinoo focuses on learning through experience and understanding, not rote learning. It makes you discover, love and motivate you.

Pinoo kits are also compatible with ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Microsoft Copilot and other applications. You can get support to help you if you get stuck.

Unbelievable.. Being able to connect all sensors or modules with just one cable?

Pinoo Youtube Channel is Like a Treasure..

Hundreds of projects made by children are waiting for our children on Pinoo Youtube channel. Videos, trainings, fun pieces, coding editor and other applications are all part of the whole to inspire, explore and activate.

Pinoo to know, to do and to explain..

Sensors and modules that are suitable for every project, easy to use, easy to connect, fun to code.

We offer a holistic and sustainable solution through coding with horizontal blocks in preschool, coding with vertical blocks in primary school, text-based coding in secondary school, and coding with Python and artificial intelligence tools in high school.

Sensors, modules and motors transform coding into a physical form and make it fun. Learning algorithms, planning and problem solving in a fun way is now a child's play with Pinoo.

Pinoo Control Card Developed for Children.

Pinoo control board offers a unique experience with sensors, modules, motors, connecting cables. It is a great tool and allows every child in the class to learn the subjects, not just a few.

Easy connection interface
Single cable connection
Arduino Nano control board
10 codeable ports
Internal motor driver (2 pcs)
Remote control receiver
Bluetooth connection
External power input

With the Pinoo control card, every child can bring coding and robotics projects to life. They can learn algorithms, coding, robotics and design through experience and permanently.

Go Beyond Limits with Pinoo..

With the help of Bluetooth, you can easily code your Pinoo sets and develop projects via tablet, phone and computer.

Creating your own mobile application with MIT App Inventor and combining it with Pinoo will broaden your horizons and make you think of new things.

The power of Lego bricks is now everywhere..

We are sure that you have hundreds of Lego bricks at home and our children love them just like we do. We must say that when Pinoo sets are combined with Lego bricks, great projects come out.

Whether at home or at school, the power of Lego is now being used in education, and our children are having fun discovering, being happy and learning with love.

PinooBot Task Robot

You will set sail for new adventures with PinooBot, which follows lines, dances, solves mazes and fulfills all the tasks you give it.

PinooBot, which can be controlled via Bluetooth, will develop your imagination and encourage you to do different projects.

Find a task for PinooBot and code it to perform its task.

Pinoo 360 Platform

You can access our content via Pinoo 360 so that you can repeat the lessons learned at school at home.

We want our children to have no questions left unanswered and to be able to do the projects they want. We will always continue to be by their side.

Pinoo 360 is the way to use Pinoo effectively with certificate creation, badges, dozens of sample projects, lego projects, and helpful resources.

We are happy to be the choice of schools, institutions and organizations that care about education, children and the future.