Cold Storage with Pinoo
Purpose of the Project: To make a system that warns when the temperature in the environment increases by using the Pinoo control card temperature-humidity sensor and buzzer module.
Duration: 2 lessons
Age Group: 7 years and above
• Learns to code Pinoo control card.
• Learns to use temperature sensor.
• Learns to use buzzer module.
• Improves the skill of setting up algorithms.
• Improves coding skill.
Materials to be used: Mblock 3 program, Pinoo control card, temperature-humidity sensor, buzzer module, connection cables.
Materials Required for Design: Decota, utility knife, ornamental material, silicone gun and silicone.
Project Preparation:
1. For our project, we first prepare the dekota material.
We combine the decota parts together with the shelves to give the appearance of a cold storage.
Then, with the help of a pencil, we draw a door on the front of our cold storage.
We place our buzzer module and temperature-humidity sensor as shown in the picture.
We place our decorative items on the shelves to give the appearance of fruit and vegetables. We attach our temperature-humidity sensor to the 1st door and our buzzer module to the 2nd door and we have completed the design part of our project.
2.Adding Pinoo extension:
From the Extensions tab, we click on the "Manage Extensions" option.
In the window that opens, we type "Pinoo" into the search engine and simply say download to the result.
It was installed on our computer.

We click on the "Serial Port" section from the window that opens and select the "COM6" option from the page that opens.
NOTE: Since the port entries of each computer are different, the numbers next to the COM text may change.

4. Coding part:
First, we place our temperature-humidity sensor identification code under the "Pinoo Program" code to check whether our temperature-humidity sensor is working. Then we print our temperature-humidity sensor values to the serial port and upload it to Arduino. Then we change the "recv encode mode" option to "capital state" at the bottom right of our Mblock program. In this way, we see our temperature-humidity sensor values on the serial port. After uploading our codes to Arduino, let's not forget to reconnect from the program link connect section.
When the green flag is clicked, we control our buzzer module by running it with a sound code under its code.
When the green flag is clicked, we cannot operate our temperature-humidity sensor under its code. Therefore, we are introducing our temperature-humidity sensor to our program with our code under the Pinoo Program code.
Then, if the value of our temperature-humidity sensor, that is, the temperature in the environment, is greater than 30 degrees, our buzzer module will give a warning. If the temperature is lower than 30 degrees, we make our buzzer module passive. In this way, we complete our code.
We right click on the "Pinoo Program" command and select the "Upload to Arduino" option in the window that opens.
On the page that opens, we click the "Upload to Arduino" button selected in red.
our codes are uploaded to our Pinoo sensor card.
We click on the "Close" button after the "Download Finished" text appears. After the installation is finished, the battery compartment is inserted and the project is run.
5. Working Status of the Project:
If the value of our temperature-humidity sensor is more than 30 degrees, we will get an audible warning, otherwise our buzzer module will become passive. In this way, we will be constantly controlling the temperature in the cold storage. See you in another project ...
#include <dht11.h> // dht11 kütüphanesini kodlarımıza dahil ettik. int dhtPin=2; // Sıcaklık-nem sensörümüzün 2. pine bağlandığını belirttik. dht11 sicakliksensor; // sicakliksensor adında bir DHT11 nesnesi oluşturduk. int buzzerpin = 3;//Buzzer modülümüzün hangi pine bağladığımızı belirttik. void setup() { pinMode(buzzerpin,OUTPUT);//Buzzer modülümüzün çıkış birimi olarak tanımladık. } void loop() { float sicaklik =;//Sıcaklık- nem sensörümüzden aldığımız değeri sicaklik adında oluşturduğumuz değişkene aktardık. if(sicaklik>30)//Eğer sıcaklık değeri 30 dereceden büyük ise koşulunu oluşturduk. { digitalWrite(buzzerpin, HIGH);//Buzzer modülümüzü aktif hale getirdik. } else//Yukarıda oluşturduğumuz koşul sağlanmaz ise koşulunu oluşturduk. { digitalWrite(buzzerpin, LOW);//Buzzer modülümüzü pasif hale getirdik. } }