Laptop Cooler With Pinoo
Purpose of the Project: To make a fan system (cooler) that automatically switches on when our computer gets too hot by using the Pinoo Control Card, LCD display module, temperature-humidity sensor and dc motor.
Duration: 2 lessons
Age Group: 7 years and older
Pinoo set used: Pinoo Full Set
• Learns to code Pinoo control card.
• Learns to use temperature sensor.
• Learns to use dc engine.
• Learns to use the LCD display module.
• Improves the skill of setting up algorithms.
• Improves coding skill.
• May reveal a product.
• Productivity increases.
• Self-confidence increases.
Materials to be Used: Pinoo control card, temperature-humidity sensor, Dc motor, LCD display module and connection cables.
Materials Required for Design: Scissors, utility knife, ruler, propeller, tongue sticks, silicone gun, silicone, toy eyes, colored cardboard and a filament box (if you don't already have a filament box or a square box, you can make yourself a box using forex cartons...)
Project Preparation:
1. For our project, first let's cover all sides of our box with our colored cardboards except the bottom part.
2. Then let's cut the opening and closing part of our box completely.
3. The previous view of our box will be like this.
4. We drill a hole in our box as much as we can remove the tip of the dc motor.
5. Let's be hot in the upper left corner on the box and we create a hole that is enough for the connection cable of the humidity sensor to come out.
6. Now we connect the sensors we will use to the Pinoo card first and then place them in the box.
Important: If you continue without making connections, you may have to remove the sensors to make connections later.
7.We place the LCD screen in our box with the help of silicon that will coincide with the window on the front.
We take out the cable of the temperature humidity sensor from the hole at the back and fix the sensor there with silicone.
We remove the white end of the dc motor from the middle hole and fix the dc motor there with the help of silicon.
8. We fix the Pinoo card into the box with the help of silicone.
9. Now we stick our propeller on the dc motor. Later, we protect the circumference of our propeller by cutting the rim of a pet glass with a utility knife.
10. We are building a wall around our box so that the fan and the temperature are higher than the humidity sensor to hold our computer. For this, we combine the colored tongue sticks with silicone in two groups.
11. While sticking, we cut the excess parts from the edge of the bars with scissors.
12. We glue all our edges with silicone in this way.
13. We are making a model laptop to test our project. We cut two rectangles in dimensions from forex cardboard and visualize them as we wish.
14. We assemble our parts.
15. We have completed the connections and design, now we go to the coding part. We will use mblock-3 application for this.
16. We connect our Pinoo Control Card to the computer with the help of a connection cable and enter the Mblock3 application. Then we introduce our Pinoo Control Card to the computer. For this, we first click on the serial port option from the Connect tab. Then we choose COM3. (The number may differ depending on the computer and the port.)
17. After making the serial port connection, we select the card to be used from the Cards tab. We are working with Arduino Nano model.
18. In order to add the Pinoo extension to our computer, we click on the Manage Extensions option from the Extensions tab. In the window that opens, we type "Pinoo" into the search engine and simply say download to the result. It was installed on our computer.
19. We come to the Extensions tab again and click on the Pinoo option. We will write our codes with the Pinoo extension.
20. Come to the Connect Again tab and click on the Firmware Update option. After saying that the installation is finished, we press the Close button.
Coding part:
21. First we take the Pinoo program hat and say prepare the LCD screen.
The LCD screen we use is (0x27) so we don't change it.
22. Then we add the prepare code of our temperature and humidity sensor.
We specify how many temperature sensors we used (1)
We attached the temperature humidity sensor to the Pinoo 6 pin door and we adjust it.
23. We need to continuously print the temperature on the LCD screen. For this, we first add the print block to the LCD screen with continuous repetition.
24. We add the Pinoo temperature arrow block to the WRITE part in order to print the temperature value read on the LCD screen.
25. To write the word "TEMPERATURE" and the temperature value side by side on the LCD screen, we combine the blocks as follows.
26. The code that continuously measured temperature value on the LCD screen as "TEMP’’
27. Now let's add the condition that will run the fan. Our condition is that if the temperature is above 28 degrees, let the fan run, otherwise the fan should stop. For this, let's first add the block if it isn't.
28. Now let's write the condition if the temperature is 28 degrees. First, we add the block marked is greater than the comparison operators.
29. Then we write the condition is ‘’the temperature greater than 28 degrees’’.
30. If the condition is met, we call Pinoobot forward and give speed to start the Dc motor (Fan). If not, we stop the Dc engine by making the Pinoobot stop.
31. Our coding is finished, right click on the Pinoo program to run it and click ‘’Upload’’ to Arduino.
32. From the window that opens, we say ‘’Upload to Arduino’’ again and wait until the upload is finished.
33. Our codes are uploaded to our Pinoo sensor card.
34. After the "Download Finished" text appears, we click on the "Close" button. After the installation is finished, we insert a 9v battery into the battery compartment, the battery Pinoo is inserted into the card, the card is checked with the ON-OFF button, and now we can run our project with the battery.
** If the temperature is more than 28 degrees, the fan will run, otherwise the fan will stop.