Smart Curtain with Pinoo

Project Purpose: To make a smart curtain project by using Pinoo Control Card, DC Motor and LDR module.

Duration: 2 lessons

Age Group: 9 years and older

Pinoo Set: Full set.


  • Learns to code Pinoo control card.
  • Learns to use DC motor.
  • Learns to use the Ldr module.
  • Algorithm building skill develops.
  • Coding skill improves.

Materials to be used: Mblock 3 program, Pinoo sensor card, ldr module, dc motor module.




Materials Required for Design: Colored cardboard, box, string, scissors, a small piece of toothpick, silicone gun, and silicone.











Project Preparation:


 For our project, let's start with designing a box.



Using a silicone gun, we glue the box so that the top is straight.


We glue the cardboards as above.


We stick the small toothpick piece to the end of the Dc Motor. Then we stick the rope.


We stick Dc Engine at the top and middle point of the box.




 We shrink the A4 paper to give the curtain look.



We put the A4 paper and the Ldr sensor in the box.




We silicone the other end of the thread on the bottom of the A4 paper.



We insert the cable of the Pinoo board and insert it.



The electronic parts are in place.


Adding Pinoo extension:


From the Extensions tab, we click on the "Manage Extensions" option.


In the window that opens, we type "Pinoo" into the search engine and simply say download to the result. It was installed on our computer.


Connecting the Pinoo sensor board to the computer:


In Mblock 3, we click on the "Connect" tab on the upper left.



We click on the "Serial Port" section from the opened window and select the "COM6" option from the opened page.

NOTE: Since the port entries of each computer are different, the numbers can vary.




We click on the Cards tab.



We select the "Arduino Nano" card option used by the Pinoo sensor card from the window that opens.


We click on the Extensions tab.


 In the window that opens, we select the extension "Pinoo" of the sensor card we use.


We click on the Connect tab.


We click on "Firmware Update" from the window that opens.


Coding part:



First, let's show the value of the Ldr sensor on the screen.



The Ldr sensor will pull the curtain up when the environment is bright. So when the value of ldr is greater than 750, the Dc motor will turn forward. If not, it will stop.




The same will happen when it's dark. When the Ldr value is less than 300, the Dc motor will reverse. If not, it will stop.



IMPORTANT: The light and dark values ​​of the environment may vary. When running the first code, you can change these values ​​according to your environment.




In order to upload our codes to the Pinoo sensor card, we make the "Pinoo Program" command at the beginning of the event and delete the code we use to display the ldr value on the screen.


We right click on the "Pinoo Program" command and select the "Upload to Arduino" option in the window that opens.


Our codes are uploaded to our pinoo sensor card.



We click on the "Close" button after the "Download Finished" text appears. After the installation is finished, the battery compartment is inserted and the project is run.


Working Status of the Project:

Burn 9V Battery and try.

The curtain goes up when it is bright.



With Pinoo sets, children can make hundreds of projects with materials they can easily find in their homes.