Two Axis Robot Arm With Pinoo
Project Purpose: To make a robot arm project using Pinoo control card, joystick module and 2 servo motor modules. In this project, we will move 2 servo motors with the joystick module.
Duration: 2 lessons
Age Group: 9 years old and above
- Learns to code the Pinoo control card.
- Learns to use the joystick module.
- Learns to use servo motor.
- The ability to establish algorithms improves.
- Coding skill improves.
Required Materials: Mblock 3 program, pinoo control card, joystick module, servo motor module.

Materials Required for Design: Colored cardboard, tongue stick, wood piece, silicone gun and silicone.

Implementation of the Project:
- Let's start with designing a floor and robot arm for our project. We will use 2 pieces of wood for floor design.

We stick 2 pieces of wood side by side.

We stick colored cardboard on the piece of wood.

We will create a platform for the robot arm to stand upright with 3 tongue bars.

We cut one side of the end parts so that the tongue bars can stand upright.

We stick the pre-cut tongue sticks side by side.

We stick it on the floor.

We place the servo motor from the inside of the end of the platform.
NOTE: The angles should be checked before placing the servo motor!!

2. Servo motor is glued horizontally to the upper part.
NOTE: The angles should be checked before placing the servo motor!!

The tongue bar is attached to the end of the top servo motor.
2. Implementation the Pinoo extension:
We click on the option "Manage Extensions" from the Extensions tab.
In the window that opens, we write “Pinoo” in the search section and click on download to the result. It was installed on our computer.
3. Connecting between Pinoo control card and computer:
In Mblock 3, we click on the "Connect" tab in the upper left.
We click on the "Serial Port" section from the opened window and select the "COM6" option from the opened page.
NOTE: Since the port inputs of each computer are different, the numbers next to the COM text may vary.
We click on the Cards tab.
From the window that opens, we select the “Arduino Nano” board option which used by the pinoo control card.
We click on the Extensions tab.
In the window that opens, we determine the extension of the control card we use as "Pinoo".
We click on the Connect tab.
We click on “Firmware Update” from the window that opens.
4.Coding part:
Let's see the values of the joystick module as a variable.
Let's create variables named X and Y.
We use the "repeat continuously" command as we want always see the values.
We assign joystick axes suitable for X and Y.
NOTE: When we push the joystick to the left, we get the value "0". When we push the joystick to the right, we get the value "1023". When we release the joystick, we get the value of “501”. This value may change. But we will code according to this value. Because, we want to control should work properly on the puppet or the module, when the joystick is released.
We create 4 conditions for 4 directions.
We enter values.
NOTE: If you specify +50 for right and -50 for left, you can get more accurate results.
We place our variables.
We try and place servo motor angles.
Since there is no puppet operation on the Pinoo control card, we remove the "Say" command and make our initial event, "Pinoo Program".
We right click on the "Pinoo Program" event and click on the "Upload to Arduino" option from the window that opens.
We click on the "Upload to Arduino" button selected in red on the page that opens.
Our codes are uploaded to our pinoo control card.
After the "Loading Done" text appears, we click the "Close" button. After installation, the power supply is placed and the project is run.
5. Final Version of the Project