Light Sensing Sensor with Pinoo and Arduino IDE

What is a Light Sensor (LDR)?

LDR comes from the initials of the words "Light Dependent Resistor" and its Turkish equivalent is light dependent resistance. LDR is sensitive to light intensity. It detects the light value in the environment and produces an analog value.

What Can Be Done With a Light Sensor (LDR)?

- Auto Pitch

- Night Light

- Energy Saving Tunnel

- Many more projects such as Sunflower can be made.

What is Pinoo Control Card?

Pinoo; It is a control board developed for children aged 7 and above to be able to code with Arduino more easily. It is an electronic circuit board that allows you to easily connect all the sensors in the Arduino with a single cable, and at the same time gather the pin complexity and power connections in the Arduino in a single cable and put an end to the cable clutter. Developed by Atölye Vizyon.